Financial support to start-ups - Black Sea ClimAccelerator (Bulgaria)
Deadline: Sep 30, 2022
Received 0 expressions of interest


Public Funding


Project full name: Financial support to start-ups - Place-based RIS Black Sea ClimAccelerator
Project acronym: Black Sea CA2022 Fin
Grant agreement number: EIT_7.1.4_220137
Total EU funding available: €300 000 (Romania and Bulgaria)


Startups registered in Romania and Bulgaria can apply online on

An independent jury will evaluate their applications based on Innovativeness, Feasibility, Team, Climate Benefit, Scalability, Long-term perspective and Program-Fit.

Black Sea ClimAccelerator programme aims to build and enhance climate start-ups ecosystems in RIS countries (in particular, in Bulgaria and Romania) through an effective accelerator.

In 2021, we embarked on a journey to reduce the gap between Romania, Bulgaria and the rest of the EU. In 2022 we are building on the 2 partners' experience, we continue to inspire a new generation of innovative entrepreneurs addressing climate challenges and we build long term sustainable ecosystems that will drive innovation from incremental steps to systemic changes that trigger climate action at scale.

Together we develop a program that is based on the following pillars:

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