Optimization of deployment planning in production, assembly and service activities thanks to intuitive cloud-based software.
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Deadline: Dec 5, 2024
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A German, innovative IT company developed an intuitive cloud-based software - digital planning board for versatile deployment planning in any sector: trade, industry or service sector. The planning board helps to optimize different areas such as: production, assembly and service activities.


A young, innovative, German IT company from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Originating from a cooperation between a staircase construction company and the Fraunhofer Institute for Large Structures in Production Engineering (IGP), young spin-off developed software solutions hand in hand with medium-sized companies from craft and industry. The intuitive cloud-based software supports small and large companies in order and deployment planning. Depending on the company structure, the software can be used in different areas: In production, assembly and service activities or in communication with subcontractors and customers. A combination of modern elements and simple functions based on analogue processes offers users a quick-to-learn and easy-to-use solution to keep track of orders, personnel/stuff/employees and utilisation. The company is on the market with its software since 2022 and offer complementary services. Due to practice-oriented software development and Clients scientific background, the company is not only a software provider, but also a process consultant before and during the use of digital solutions. In addition to the development and distribution of the software solution, the client provides and accompanies customers during software implementation, carries out awareness-raising measures for digital transformation processes and informs about digital trends.

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