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A world-wide operating Austrian SME offers industrial servic...
created · Updated
Deadline: Sep 9, 2021
Received 0 expressions of interest


A world-wide operating Austrian SME is operating in the field of international mineral mining, mineral exploration and mineral policies, carries out evaluations of mineral deposits as well as international mineral markets and observes the development of legal frameworks regarding minerals policies in various countries.


An Austrian SME providing evaluation of mineral deposits, exploration, mining, innovative technologies of extraction, enrichment of raw materials, restoration of the natural environment after mining activity, mining waste treatment, creation of new critical raw material value chain in "turnkey", including solar system installation across Europe and the world, is offering its services. Having more than ten years of experience in mineral, waste treatment, exploration, Earth observation, development of the optimal design for mining technology, the team has taken a number of innovations to create new critical raw material value-chains for the EU economic growth. Dozens of projects on non-invasive exploration around the world, including countries such as Sierra Leone, South Africa, Angola, Nigeria, Brazil, Venezuela, have been successfully completed. Using specific criteria and scientific assumptions, the experts prepare the contour, relief, and slope maps, as well as the map showing the boundaries for rational mining.

The offered services include:
• consulting, scientific, methodological and expert support of subsoil use in accordance with the best practices of geological research and policy on raw materials of the European Union and the world, CRIRSCO, JORC, NI 43-10;
• evaluation of mineral deposits, of mineral markets, of the development of minerals policy frameworks focused on critical raw materials;
• exploration services, non-invasive exploration, bathymetry, RSD decoding, GIS analysis, laboratory studies, engineering, design and construction services in the field of spatial, surface, underground, underwater, air, space projects, including life-cycle assessment;
• innovative technologies of extraction, enrichment of raw materials, restoration of the natural environment after mining activity, heat and energy recovery, recovery of metals and related raw materials from wastes of mining, chemical and energy industries;
• solar system installation "turnkey" with the best quality and pricing in accordance with the green deal and a national renewable energy action plan. There are existing service and product partnerships with internationally renowned companies in Eastern Europe. Qualification certificates for engineering and construction design services in terms of ensuring operational safety and a license for construction of engineering infrastructure facilities have been rewared;
• infrastructure and logistic chains, including self-propelled floating platforms serving as a port, warehouse, assembly point, and installation vehicle.

Advantages & innovations

The advantages and innovations are: Strong international network of mines & mineral sector experts: The core strength of the Austrian company is the vast geographic network of experts they have developed over the past decade and the diverse range of expertise this team represents. There are experts in South America, Africa, Europe, Asia-Pacific who are top professionals in the mining sector in their respective countries. Their fields of expertise include mining policy & legislation, mineral economics, geology & exploration, mine operations, business development, and environmental assessment.  Innovative solutions in the ore exploration phase: the company has developed comprehensive technological solutions that allow ore mining in densely populated areas and areas adjacent to water basins from different depths (up to 800 m) in compliance with the most stringent environmental requirements as well as public safety in mining areas. The integrated method allows burying waste safely for the environment in the places of extraction of useful component(s) from the rock, excluding contamination of the territory with tailings. In addition, they have developed a horizontal drilling technology for pre-investigation of potential stone quarry/mining sites and soil as well as for the actual operational mining phase that reduces the production costs by 50% and has not yet been introduced in Europe. The reduction of capital and operating costs in the application of the unique mining technologies in comparison with traditional methods will be more than 50% for mining companies using the company's know-how.

Stage of development

Already on the market

Partner sought

The type of partner sought are companies that are interested in innovative technologies of extraction, enrichment of raw materials, restoration of the natural environment after mining activity, heat and energy recovery, recovery of metals and related raw materials from wastes of mining, chemical and energy industries or renewable energy installation. The onboarding of partners ideally happens at a very early stage of mining projects.

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    Project acronym: EIT Food PE PoC Call 2023, 2024, 2025
    Grant agreement number: N/A
    Total EU funding available: €360 000 per submission window (total for 3 rounds: €1 380 000)
    By the date of the Calls’ launches a webpage will be activated at
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